
Tentative 5-Day Trip Schedule: (Cultural cum Educational Tour Itineraries).

Day Activities/ Valley Night Halt/ Hotel
Day 1 -Reception from the Paro International Airport by our representatives in traditional style – Visit to Tshenden Incense Manufacturing Unit (Bonday, Paro) – Visit to Religious Site (Drukgyel Dzong) – Visit to local town (Paro Street)   Paro
Day 2 -Educational Tour: (Visit to 2(two) school of Paro District: Higher Secondary School & Primary School) -Evening: travel to Thimphu (which is 1 hr. drive) – Pilgrimage to Buddha Dordenma (one of the tallest Buddha statue in the world) Thimphu
Day 3 -Breakfast from the hotel -Visit to one of the schools in the Capital. -Visit School of Traditional Arts and Craft -Sight seeing at Capital city Thimphu
Day 4 -After breakfast, travel to Paro (1 hr. drive) -Trip to Paro Taktsang (The Tiger’s Nest) -After lunch, visit to the National Museum, Paro Town and Hot Stone Bath Paro
Day 5 Departure to destination